Thursday 30 January 2014



Walls. Walls can have such a powerful influence. The division of territory has always been a part of society and used for a range of many reasons. They are used as simple structure to separate the gardens of people’s homes to huge construction projects like the Great Wall of China or Hadrian’s Wall with the main purpose of defending a country for invading armies. One of the most famous walls in history is the Berlin Wall as this was what split the City in half. Centred around Communism and Capitalism with its destruction in 1990 it helped along way to end the Cold War In 1990. But today you most active and topical wall is that of the USxican (United States and Mexico) border. Should the US Government make it a wall like Berlin 50ft high all the way across from coast to coast rather than in some just in specific located areas or have no wall at all? Should the US spend Millions of Dollars on border control police? Should more responsibility be handed over to the Mexican Government?
Many Mexicans illegally or legally immigrate to the USA to for a better quality of life as they believe that there is more opportunities in work/ pay/ social activities, along with the fact the crime rate drops dramatically. This has an inverse relationship with the life expectancy rate. Whether all s true and good is hard to tell as circumstances change on family to family.
 An interesting website: gives facts and figures on the Latin America to US Immigration and goes through how the immigration on rise and will evidently carry on this way in the future. The Latinos already count for 16% of the US, 4% of which is from Mexico alone. Some obscure ones include,
  • Mexican immigrant men outnumbered women in 2011.
  • The foreign born from Mexico were more likely to be of working age than the US born and foreign born overall.
  • In early 2011, 59 percent of all unauthorized immigrants in the United States were from Mexico.
There are some US citizens that would say, “Block off the Mexican border and send them all back, The US is meant to be a White Nation.”  But Immigration has always been a part of the History of the United States. is a website that debates: should immigration to the United States be stopped? One person argued,

Serious Drain on Americans
Most homeless and impoverished people were born in this country. They need to be housed, fed, clothed, educated, and employed! Many have fought wars and paid dearly for their loyalty to a government/system which has exploited and trashed them, a system which preferentially allows corporations to import educated, privileged foreigners to thrive in the land Americans have fought to build, even die for. It is a disgrace.

So it would seem that this debate on border control will always be a controversial topic in the Nation’s future. One that will cost Billions of US Dollars, hundreds of man hours of discussion, and split opinion in the nation.

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