Sunday 2 February 2014

Pro and Anti Latino/Hispanic Immigration

Anti Latino/Hispanic Immigration

FAIR: Federation for American Immigration Reform

FAIR is an organisation that is against immigration in general, rather than solely Latino or Hispanic immigration. While the don't demand to completely stop immigration, they want to reduce it to a significantly smaller number than currently, which they label 'traditional'.

The site itself is rather clever, in that it doesn't want to eliminate immigration, and uses language the could easily persuade people to see in their favour. However they are clearly against the rising population of foreign born citizens, as shown in their map under 'Immigration Facts', which suggests that the do not approve of the growing percentages of foreign born population, and would like to see the percentage decrease. This shows that they are stuck on the idea that America should be American, and contradicts the idea of the melting pot.

Although the website doesn't specifically state that they are against the immigration of Hispanic/Latino's, I found an article that talks about this: 

This refers to the founder of FAIR, John Tanton, who 'warned of a "Latin onslaught," complained of Latinos' allegedly low "educability."' Clearly showing that he was not too favourable of Latino's. Additionally in the same article, Linda Chavez, who used to work for one of Tanton's other organisations, resigned because of memos on The Catholic Church and Latin America. She called them "repugnant and not excusable" and "anti-Catholic and anti-Hispanic."

This explores similar issues to those raised in Huntington's 'The Hispanic Challenge', such as the idea of border control, which FAIR advocates, as the border is not as imagery rich as crossing the sea and seeing the statue of Liberty.

Both sites look at the issue from the point of the upcoming immigration reform, but from varying sides.

Pro Latino/Hispanic Immigration 

Hispanic Federation: Taking Hispanic causes to heart.

The Hispanic Federation is an organisation which advocates and seeks to promote the social, political and economic well-being of Hispanic-Americans. On Immigration they believe 'structural changes to the country’s immigration process are necessary to reinvigorate the country’s economy and commitment to citizenship, allow families to reunite and maintain our promise of a better future for all who are willing to work hard and contribute to their families and local communities.'

Again, while the site is not strictly about immigration, it is one of the main issues today, so has prominence. They insist on  family reunification as the chief tenet of immigration reform. However, they are specifically focused on the Latino/Hispanic community as opposed to FAIR.

The site is equivalent to FAIR's in that they have a similar, simple layout, and you can easily find any information required. However they provide help to people who want to Immigrate, which is not something FAIR would do as an organisation.

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