Monday 17 February 2014

The Hopi Tribe

The Hopi Tribe is located in Arizona, and they state that "Since time immemorial the Hopi people have lived in Hopituskwa".

The site is a government type of site, with information about tribal relations and various laws to do with their tribe. Their history is most known for the fact that their tribe is surrounded by the Navajo tribe, with whom there were many arguements. Their total population as of 2012 was 18,327.

The Hopi Tribe have always viewed their land as sacred, and important, as agriculture is a very important part of their culture. This is reinstated on the website, with the homepage at one point saying they "maintained our sacred covenant with Maasaw, the ancient caretaker of the earth, to live as peaceful and humble farmers respectful of the land and its resources."
This means that as farmers, they are most likely self-sufficient in many ways, meaning their economic situation is less immediately concerning as they would not be in need of food.

This shows that they present their identity as a humble and self-reliant tribe who identify with the land.

They also earn money from the coal that is mined at the location of the Navajo tribe, as they share royalty income.
Annually, tourism is also one of their sources of income.

They also seem very proud that "Over the centuries we have survived as a tribe, and to this day have managed to retain our culture, language and religion despite influences from the outside world." Showing that they wish to retain their culture as it is a huge part of their identity.

The website has newspaper articles and other relevant information regarding the tribe. I believe the website is a reliable source, as it is a government site and although is probably a fraction biased, it has very valid information.

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