Sunday 2 March 2014


National Organisation For Women (NOW)

This organisation was developed in 1966 and it is devoted to achieving full equality for women through education. It focuses on many aspects of women rights issues. For example, racial discrimination, women's health and body image, family law, economic justice etc. NOW is currently the largest feminist organisation in the US and has over 500,000 contributing members.
Anyone is able to become a member. There work for justice and equality is made possible by membership dues, individual donations and volunteer hours. There are many ways you take action. For example, urging your representative to pass immigration reforms that's fair to women simply by signing a form.
The NOW foundation carries out various projects. For example, the 'love your body campaign' which is ultimately aimed at young women. The campaign encourages discussions related to body image and healthy living.
The website also includes a blog titled 'Say it Sister!' this is where any woman is able to discuss the issues at hand. For example, one the of the women in the blog discusses the fact that many women have unequal pay, living on minimum wage salaries. 

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