Sunday 9 March 2014

Sexual Identity

Same sex rights has been legal nationwide since 2003.. Age of consent in each state varies from age 16 to 18; some states maintain different ages of consent for males/females or same-sex/opposite-sex relations.

LGBT rights related laws including family, marriage, and anti-discrimination laws vary by state. Seventeen states plus Washington, D.C. currently offer marriage to same-sex couples; these marriages are recognized by the federal government, but not by most other states. Additionally, some states offer civil unions or other types of recognition which offer some of the legal benefits and protections of marriage.

“Twenty-one states plus Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation, and seventeen states plus Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico outlaw discrimination based on gender identity or expression.  Hate crimes based on sexual orientation or gender identity are also punishable by federal law under the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009. In 2011 and 2012, the Equal Employment Opportunity Coe Commission ruled that job discrimination against Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender individuals classified as a form of sex discrimination and thus violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”

All of the new the recent and ongoing changes in laws in the United States on Same sex right show that it is a current issues. As highlighted in the YouTube video it is write in the constitution of America that all people should be treated equally, being given equal opportunities in life. Before the date in the video homosexuals didn’t get this right but into today’s society they are making good progress to reaching this fundamental right.

   Same-sex civil marriage legal
   Civil unions granting privileges similar to marriage for same-sex domestic partners
   State grants limited/enumerated privileges
   Same-sex marriages performed elsewhere recognized
   Judicial ruling against a same-sex marriage ban stayed pending appeal
   No prohibition or recognition of same-sex civil marriages or unions
   Statute bans same-sex civil marriage
   Constitution bans same-sex civil marriage
   Constitution bans same-sex civil marriage and specified or unspecified civil union types

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